Enter the dreams, fantasies and nightmare worlds of these filmmakers. Mythical creatures travelling through the abyss, perverted Eden’s garden, impossible worlds where your guides are Baron, chicken and monkeys…
8€ regular / 6€ for under 30
Frog, Hattie Greenwood
in the name of god, Azhman Bizhani nasab
How I Created My Own Existential Nightmare, Reynaert Vosveld
The Monstera of the night, Leon Stanislawski, Florian Bade
A story about a monkey, a bear and a caterpillar, Dashka Dementeva, Rebeka Kruus, Anastasia Evnovitš
The castle of Baron Finch, Don Cunningham
Escape from Eden, Lampros Kordolaimis
Guck, Jack Chisik
Directors Name
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Directors Name
This placeholder text serves as temporary content for the film description. Its purpose is to demonstrate the visual form of a page without the need for final content. It provides a sense of how the final description will look once real information is added.
Directors Name
This placeholder text serves as temporary content for the film description. Its purpose is to demonstrate the visual form of a page without the need for final content. It provides a sense of how the final description will look once real information is added.
Directors Name
This placeholder text serves as temporary content for the film description. Its purpose is to demonstrate the visual form of a page without the need for final content. It provides a sense of how the final description will look once real information is added.
Directors Name
This placeholder text serves as temporary content for the film description. Its purpose is to demonstrate the visual form of a page without the need for final content. It provides a sense of how the final description will look once real information is added.