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Opening & Premieres

20/09 Friday 


CONCORDIA Theaterzaal

DETACHED Premiere Sickhouse Film Camp 2024 Wolf Rutjes, Dieu, Sterre Wiersma, Nikita, Lee Busschers-Schiphorst, Phil van der Walle  |  VLOGGERS Premiere MOK_Theatermakerij  |  SKETCHES Premiere MOK_Theatermakerij 

  • KO(O)RTS opening is the occasion to celebrate the premiere of the film created during the Film Camp of Sickhouse and the mockumentary traject of Theatermakerij! The film will be introduced by the 2 organisations and after the screenings we welcome the makers for a beautiful Q&A!


Sickhouse Film Camp

Wolf Rutjes, Dieu, Sterre Wiersma, Nikita, Lee Busschers-Schiphorst, Phil van der Walle

A young woman living together with her partner experiences a feeling of detachment from her lover. She tries to grasp on to everything that’s left between them, but feels torn and when their troubles can’t be resolved she loses herself.


MOK Theatermakerij

The first edition produced three short mockumentaries: Vloggers, Vegan Boer and Sketches. After a storytelling workshop by Niels Bourgonje, the makers started brainstorming, writing and storyboarding. During the recordings, they were guided by directors Amir Zaza, Klaas Arie Westland and Marieke Widlak, who helped them with direction, team communication and translating their vision into images. 


MOK Theatermakerij

The growing image addiction among young people and the pressure to be online all the time is becoming unbearable for many vloggers and influencers. Lives are sacrificed for likes, comments and sponsors. Meanwhile, health and friendships suffer from this terrible obsession.

Concordia (ↂ) Theaterzaal

Oude Markt 15
Enschede, 7511 GA Netherlands